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Discover tailored architectural, interior, and masterplan services. From concept to completion, we bring visionary designs to life for a lasting impact.

Data Colection
Data Colection

Looking for data about the project such as site area, accessibility, site orientation, land boundaries etc. In addition, information on the owner's preferred concept approach is sought at this stage, both in terms of form, material, function and even business ideas.

Concept Design
Concept Design

at this stage the data obtained will be processed into initial ideas. the product at this stage is a concept layout, mood image, 3D visual. At this stage there will be several meetings and design revi- sions.

Preliminary Drawing
Preliminary Drawing

After the concept design is approved, the concept is translated into preliminary drawings in the form of plans, views, pieces, material lists and sanitaire lists. So that the initial material for planning has been formed.

Technical Details
Technical Details

Then the initial drawings are refined to several types of more complete drawings. At this stage there will be several partners such as structural consultants, MEP consultants, interiors so that the techni- cal drawings consider the systems in the building that are in accordance with the standards. The product at this stage is a full set of structural, architectural, MEP, and rendering view drawings.


After the design process is complete, the owner can determine the contractor through direct appoint- ment or tender. When the construction process takes place, routine supervision is carried out at least twice a month so that the construction can run according to plan